La Leche League of Broomfield

Mother to Mother Breastfeeding Support  

La Leche League Series Meetings
2nd Monday of each month, 10 to 11 am

Scroll down for dates of enrichment meetings each month


January 13: Advantages of Breastfeeding

February 10:  The Family & The Breastfed Baby

March 10: The Art of Breastfeeding & Avoiding Difficulties

April 14: Nutrition & Weaning

May 12: Advantages of Breastfeeding

June 9: The Family & The Breastfed Baby

July 14: The Art of Breastfeeding & Avoiding Difficulties

August 11: Nutrition & Weaning

September 8: Advantages of Breastfeeding

October 13: The Family & The Breastfed Baby

November 10: The Art of Breastfeeding & Avoiding Difficulties

December 8: Nutrition & Weaning

The Meeting titles repeat, yet each meeting is unique.  Come with questions or come to socialize.  We look forward to seeing you.


Enrichment Meetings - We utilize these meetings to have a speaker related to motherhood, parenting, taking a walk, or having a potluck! We always make time for breastfeeding questions no matter the topic or activity.

Note: Speakers may or might not represent the LLL Philosophy and La Leche League does not endorse products or services offered by them.

AT THIS TIME WE ARE NOT HAVING ENRICHMENT MEETINGS.  When we have them they are usually the 4th Monday of each month, 10 to 11 am.

AT THIS TIME WE ARE NOT HAVING ENRICHMENT MEETINGS. As the weather warms up we may meet to walk the trails around the farmhouse.  This also allows for discussion. As meeting attendance grows again, we may plan for speakers and enrichment topics. Please call a leader to double check.











 This site is maintained by for La Leche League of Broomfield, Colorado.  Feedback is welcome.