La Leche League of Broomfield

Mother to Mother Breastfeeding Support  


Meeting times and location

Breastfeeding support meetings are held the second Monday of each month.  Check out the Calendar for more information.


Location: Brunner Farm House located on the northeast corner of Main Street and Midway Boulevard, 640 Main Street, Broomfield, CO 80020


*Please call a leader before attending your first meeting.


Time: 10:00 am


Meetings last approximately one hour. All interested women are welcome, especially pregnant women and new mothers. Children are welcome as well!


Meeting Topics

We have a general meeting topic for each monthly meeting, but please bring all breastfeeding-related questions to any meeting!


We look forward to meeting you!




Contact a Leader

If you need information about Group meetings or need breastfeeding help, please contact a Group Leader below:


















This site is maintained by for La Leche League of Broomfield, Colorado.  Feedback is welcome.